
Crystal Geode Eggs

Crystal Geode Eggs

Crystal geode eggs are beautiful to look at and very simple to make. They require ingredients easily available at home or at most require a quick trip to a grocery store!

Things You Need -

• Eggs (keep the egg carton too!)
• Liquid food colouring
• White glue
• Epsom salt
• Toothpicks

Method -

  1. Crack an egg at the narrow end (could be the top or the bottom) and carefully continue widening till it is large enough to empty the contents. Empty into a bowl; repeat with more eggs. Gently break open each egg down its length to give two halves. It is okay if the halves have jagged edges!
  2. Set shells in a bowl of hot water to rinse. Children can be shown how to gently rub the insides of each shell to clean them properly using their thumbs. Turn the shells over on a towel to dry.
  3. Set each shell into an individual pocket of the egg carton. Brush the entire inside with a thin layer of glue and dust with Epsom salt (this will act as a starter crystal). Let it dry entirely – this could take a couple of hours.
  4. Boil 1 cup of water and keep it aside. Make sure children stay well away from hot water during this step. Slowly add ½ cup Epsom salt and stir until it’s dissolved. Continue stirring in small amounts of salt (a tablespoon or two at a time but no more than ½ cup in total) until it no longer dissolves. It should be thick but not look like slush.
  5. Carefully pour the solution into your shells, filling them to the top. Add a drop of food colouring to each egg, and stir gently with a toothpick. Place your shells somewhere safe and at room temperature.
  6. Check your eggs daily. If you find a thin, hard, jagged layer forming on the surface, gently break it up with a toothpick (allowing the water to evaporate). After a few days, all the water will evaporate, leaving colourful geodes behind!


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