Exams are stressful times for both the students giving them and also their parents at home. The focus of this blog post will be how to help your child cope with their stress and anxiety around exam time. Stress is a double edged sword and has both positive and negative connotations. It can drive a student to work harder, study longer and focus. On the flipside, it can also cause anxiety attacks and make some students forget all they've learnt when the exam paper is handed to them. Here are a few ways to recognize exam related stress and try and reduce it.
When a student is stressed, they are not in the best position to absorb more information. Stress plays a big part in creating this barrier and preventing them from being able to retain information. It becomes a vicious cycle – the more stress they feel, the less work they do and then in turn, the less work they are being able to do, causes more stress. Break this cycle by having a conversation with your child before they study, calming them and recentering their focus. Having the 'marks aren't everything' conversation, as cliched as it sounds, is effective. It reminds your child that you are on their side.
Parents must also realize that no two children learn in the same manner. Your method may have been studying in a group, bouncing questions off your friends – but there is no assurance that your child is the same. The same goes for comparing your child's method of learning with their classmates – what works for one may not work for another. Take the time out to understand what works for your child – flashcards, notes, verbal repetition, studying alone or in a group; the options are endless.
Make sure your child takes breaks from studying instead of worrying themselves into a frantic state. Intervene before they reach of point of burnout – a point which benefits noone. Teach your child to trust themselves and rely on their intuition. As the old saying goes, "Comparison is the thief of joy". By comparing themselves to their classmates – pitting their studying against another's will only cause insecurity. None of these feelings are needed during exam time.
Focus on your child's strengths, rather than their weaknesses and make sure you remind them often, how special they are. Work on breathing techniques with your child, to help them sail through stressful times.