‘The Secret Life of Pets 2’ is an animated film which takes forward the franchise after the highly successful ‘Secret Life of Pets’ released in 2016. The film follows the lives of a group of domesticated animals and the secret adventures they have when their owners leave the house. Viewers were initially drawn in by the first film, which was loaded with spunky characters, hilarious dialogues and comical sequences. However, the sequel does not live up to the entertainment value of its predecessor. This film follows many narratives – each belonging to a different animal. Picking up from the first film, dogs Max and Duke have now grown accustomed to each other and embark on a journey with their family to a farm outside the city. Simultaneously, the other animals living in the building, including Max’s girlfriend Gidget, have their own adventures. Some of these involve other animals living in the building, while other adventures take them outside, entangling them with an abusive Russian circus owner.
This time around, the plot pulls further away from animals, focussing the narrative on the situations rather than the animals and their characters. For this reason, the film feels more like a rollercoaster of action and bad jokes, rather than an animated film where children are drawn in by the animals and their characterizations.