History For Kids – History Of India And The World
Let's go back to the past and learn about the history of India and the world. Discover ancient places and people with our interactive videos and medi...

History for Kids - Let's go back to the past and learn about the history of India and the world. Discover ancient places and people with our interactive videos and media and learn about them in an all new way. History won't be boring anymore.
Log on to a time travel device that takes you and your child back in time!
We are not really talking about a device but we are talking about our collection of historical facts for kids. Let your child discover the evolution of the language he speaks in or the history of other languages. Also the legacy of kings and dynasties that ruled the world much before their time. Let him also marvel at great warriors and orators and feel inspired, for it is because of our history, that our present stands tall.
History for kids is not for your child only, but you can learn from our page immensely as well. Learn about the history of the entire world through interactive videos, lovable animated characters or interactive media. Learn about different time periods in history and their significance through Sir Dig A Lot or just watch the videos that take you on a whirlwind ride back in time. You can enjoy the lessons in history with your child anytime of the day.
What's more, you can select the particular topic that you find interesting and download it easily on your desktop too. The articles or stories can also be printed out so that you can read it to your child or encourage him or her to visit the website.
A slice of history is all we serve, relish your palette and share the same with others through our social networking links available on the page.