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Blood Types : Facts and Information

Biology | 7-14 yrs | Interactive, Learning Pod

What is Blood?

Have you seen your parents oil their car? The oil allows for the engine to run efficiently and keeps the car running smoothly. Our blood keeps our body working smoothy. It carries the crucial oxygen and vital nutrients to their required places and disposes off waste materials.

What are the different Blood Groups?

Blood is categorized into 8 blood groups. How are these groups formed? The red blood cells in our blood have antigens (markers) on them, which are basically the sugars and proteins that distinguish each blood group. Some blood groups additionally have a second marker called Rhesus (Rh) factor which is + when there is protein in our blood and – when there is no protein.

Blood Types Chart

Blood types chart

Donate blood to

Receive blood from

A+ (A marker and Rh marker)

A+, AB+

A+, A-, O+, O-

A- (A marker)

A+, A-, AB+, AB-

A-, O-

B+ (B marker and Rh marker)

B+, AB+

B+, B-, O+, O-

B- (B marker)

B+, B-, AB+, AB-

B-, O-

AB + (A marker, B marker, Rh marker)



AB- (A marker, B marker)

AB+, AB-

AB-, A-, B-, O-

O- (without Rh)



+ (with Rh)

O+, AB+, A+, B+

O+, O-

Blood Type Compatibility Facts

  • O- blood group is the universal blood donor as this blood can be given to anyone.
  • AB+ people can receive blood from any group and are called universal recipients.
  • It is very important to get the right blood transfusion, as then accordingly your body will produce antibodies to fight off viruses.
  • AB- is one of the rarest blood group types. There are also over 25 sub categories of rare blood types. Do you know your blood type? It is inherited, so ask your parents their blood types, so that you can rule out other blood groups.

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