Mocostar - Content Created by Kids
We have a huge collection of Mocostars for kids. Do you like writing stories or painting or are you talented in any other field? Well then, have y...

Mocostar - We have a huge collection of Mocostars for kids.
Do you like writing stories or painting or are you talented in any other field? Well then, have you ever thought about sharing your work with other people so that they can see how good you are in what you do?
Well now is your chance! You can submit your painting or story to us on Mocomi and we might then showcase it on our website so that everybody can see your art work! If you don't like writing stories or painting, then you can see other people’s work on our website in the Mocostar section!
Dont worry, we won't only display your art work but we will also have a picture of you, so that everybody can know that you did such a brilliant piece of art.
So what are you waitnign for? Come on down to Mocostar and submit your wonderful pieces of art to!
Have fun!