A Serious Question
A kitten went a-walking
One morning in July,
And idly fell a-talking
With a great big butterfly.
The kitten’s tone was airy,
The butterfly would scoff;
When there came along a fairy
Who whisked his wings right off.
And then—for it is written
Fairies can do such things—
Upon the startled kitten
She stuck the yellow wings.
The kitten felt a quiver,
She rose into the air,
Then flew down to the river
To view her image there.
With fear her heart was smitten,
And she began to cry,
“Am I a butter-kitten?
Or just a kitten-fly?”
Two Old Kings
Oh! the King of Kanoodledum
And the King of Kanoodledee,
They went to sea
In a jigamaree—
A full-rigged jigamaree.
And one king couldn’t steer,
And the other, no more could he;
So they both upset
And they both got wet,
As wet as wet could be.
And one king couldn’t swim
And the other, he couldn’t, too;
So they had to float,
While their empty boat
Danced away o’er the sea so blue.
Then the King of Kanoodledum
He turned a trifle pale,
And so did he
Of Kanoodledee,
But they saw a passing sail!
And one king screamed like fun
And the other king screeched like mad,
And a boat was lowered
And took them aboard;
And, my! but those kings were glad!
Read these beautiful poems and rhymes for kids. List of the poems included in this poem eBook:
- A Serious Question
- Two Old Kings
- A Day Dream
- Puzzled
- Our Club
- An Intercepted Valentine
- A Long-Felt Want
- The Musical Carp
- The Intelligent Hen
- The Happy Hyena
- A Great Lady
- Opulent Ollie
You can read the eBook online or download it on your PC and read later using the big red button at the top.
For more interesting poems and rhymes for kids, go to : Poems and Rhymes for Kids.