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Weird Days that People Celebrate

Festivals | 7-13 yrs | Animation, Video

20 Weird celebrations around the World

People around the world celebrate some very funny and weird days. Let us learn about some of the most interesting ones.

  1. Step in a puddle and splash your friends day – This day gives you a perfect excuse to have some fun with your friends by jumping into a puddle of mud and spoiling their clothes. This day is celebrated on January 11 every year.
  2. Dress up your pet day – Well, this day, as you can rightly guess, is meant to dress up your pets in a dress of your choice. It is celebrated on 14 January.
  3. Read in a bathtub day -‘Read in a bathtub’ day is celebrated on February 9. It is a day meant for relaxing in style, in your bathtub while scouring through the pages of your favourite novel.
  4. Get a different name day -‘Get a different name’ day is celebrated on 13 February. It is a day meant for those who are not very happy with their names. On this day, they can change their name to whatever they wish, but of course, just for one day.
  5. Napping day – Napping day is the most favourite day for the people who love their sleep. This day is celebrated on 11 March and it gives an opportunity to the people to doze off anywhere they want to, even at odd hours.
  6. Pillowfight day – Thousands of people enthusiastically take part in pillow fights on this day. This day is celebrated worldwide on April 6.
  7. No housework day – ‘No housework’ day is celebrated on 7 April every year. This day is basically celebrated by the housewives who postpone all their household chores until the next day.
  8. Lost sock memorial day – Admit it, all of us have lost socks, but we keep that one sock with us safely in the hope that one day we will find its buddy. The ‘Lost sock memorial’ day demands that we give up the hope of finding that old sock and get rid of all the single socks that we have in our almirah . This unique day is celebrated by people around the world on 9th May.
  9. UFO day – UFO Day is celebrated on June 2. On this day, people get together and observe the skies keenly in the hope of spotting some flying saucers.
  10. Fresh breath day – Nobody likes to sit next to the person whose breath stinks of garlic and onions. Fresh breath day is celebrated on 6 August to promote dental hygiene and the need of maintaining a fresh breath.
  11. Comic book day – This day is celebrated on 25 September by all the comic lovers in the world. It is a day set aside to enjoy a good comic book.
  12. Hug a vegetarian day – ‘Hug a vegetarian’ day is celebrated to appreciate the vegetarians for their eating habits by giving them a hug. It is celebrated on 27 September every year.
  13. Mud pack day – Mud pack day is celebrated on September 30. On this day, women make different types of mud packs and apply them on their faces to keep their skin soft and supple.
  14. Balloons around the world day – On the 2 October, people make different types of animals and things out of balloons.
  15. Deviled eggs day – On 2 November, all those who are fond of eating eggs, make deviled eggs, a delicious dish made out of boiled eggs.
  16. Tongue twister day – On Tongue twister day, people get together and try to say different types of tongue twister phrases to check their command on their tongues. This day is celebrated on the 10 November in many parts of the world.
  17. Clean your fridge day – 15 November is celebrated as ‘Clean your fridge’ day and it urges all the people who keep postponing the cleaning of their fridges, to get up and just do it!
  18. Wear brown shoes day – This day is celebrated on 4 December to motivate people to go in for some change and wear brown shoes instead of their regular black shoes.
  19. No interruptions day – On 30 December, you are allowed to put up a ‘Do not disturb’ sign wherever you want, because it is ‘No interruptions day’!
  20. Tick Tock day – People celebrate ‘Tick Tock day’ on the 29 December to review the goals that they has set for that particular year and start working to turn them into a reality! Tick Tock day is a reminder to people that they still have two days left to fulfil their New Year resolutions.

For more interesting festivals for kids, visit: https://mocomi.com/learn/culture/festivals/

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