Quack a Tip
Quack a Tip for Kids
Dr. Quack's fun health tips! Can we interest you in a health tip or two? Don't worry! It's not some lengthy list Dos and Don'ts. It's a tiny tip for...

Quack a Tip - Dr. Quack's fun health tips! Can we interest you in a health tip or two? Don't worry! It's not some lengthy list Dos and Don'ts. It's a tiny tip for a healthy life by Dr. Quack and his trusted assistant Nurse Crab. Dr. Quack loves kids and knows that they might not always be inclined to eat their greens or go to bed on time. So he imparts his health wisdom in a fun manner.
With Quack and Crabby, we bring you health tips in a manner that makes kids more receptive to the idea of eating healthy and developing good habits. His tips include one-liners like “Don't sit, be fit”, that are great to print out and pin it on your refrigerator or in your child's bedroom.