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Raw and Boiled Egg Spinning

Experiments | 6-13 yrs | Video


  • Table
  • Hard-Boiled egg
  • Raw Egg


  1. Keep the eggs on the table.
  2. Spin the raw egg on the table first.
  3. Now. spin the hard boiled egg on the table.
  4. Which one spins longer and faster?


Hard-boiled eggs are solid inside, and therefore the hard boiled egg keeps spinning at a very fast pace.

In the raw egg, the liquid inside the egg slides about and this prevents the egg from spinning as fast.

TRY THIS: Do this experiment with raw and boiled eggs spinning. You will find out what happens. What other experiments have you tried? DO you like doing experiments? Do they always turn out like they are supposed to? Tell us in the comments. You can also try out the experiments in the Kitchen Science section of Mocomag. Read the previous issues and tell us how many you tried.

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