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Mud Bricks

Nature Activities | 6-10 yrs | Reading Pod

Kids love to play with muck. Lets face it, so did we? But what if our kids can bring out their creative side with the same muck we played with in our younger days? This is where old kitchen supplies come in handy for building blocks or for a more decorative variation: Mud Cupcakes.

To make a whole load of toy-sized bricks, fill up an ice cube tray with mud and compress each block with your fingers or with the back of a spoon. Depending upon the consistency of the mud, removing the bricks from the tray may be easier if they’re allowed to bake in the sun for a few hours.

Once this is done, your children have building blocks to play with and can make interesting structures like mud houses, bridges or whatever they imagine!

  • Ice cube tray
  • Mud
  • Spoon

For more interesting Nature activities for kids, go to : HERE