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Fizzy Colours Experiment

Experiments | 7-14 yrs | Learning Pod

Would you like too see  your colours bubble?

Well, then here we are with a new kitchen science activity.
Let us see how can we make it.

Things you need

  • 4 table spoons of baking soda
  • A cup of vinegar (white)
  • Four different food colours of you’re choice
  • A muffin tin

How to do it?

  • Firstly it is suggested that you carry out this activity in your backyard or in a open space. It is because this experiment may spill over. keep things ready on a table.
  • Fill muffin cups half with vinegar. Now, add the colours in those cups. Add a teaspoon of baking soda, and step behind. You can see that your colours will start too fizz.

Why does it happen?

  1. This happens due to acidic reactions. Vinegar has acetic acid which reacts with the sodium bicarbonate of the baking soda to form carbonic acid.
  2. Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate
  3. Vinegar contains acetic acid.
  4. Carbonic acid becomes unstable and immediately splits into two components; Carbon dioxide and water.
  5. Vinegar + baking soda = Carbonic acid = Carbon dioxide + water.
  6. The carbon dioxide bubbles up but as it is heavier than air, it starts to flow like water over the edge of the muffin tin.
  7. Enjoy the bubbly colours coming out from the muffin caps!

For more such science experiments and articles, visit Science for Kids.